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Contact Info
Phone: 218-568-5095
Fax: 218-568-7780
Tue: 9 am - 5 pm
Wed - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm
30286 Rasmussen Road
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Click here for directions.
Tender, Loving Healthcare For Your Loved One
We want you to feel confident and calm when you bring your pet to see us. During every single visit, we want to make sure that your entire family (pet included) is comfortable. Our team goes above and beyond for each patient to make their experience the best it can be. You can trust that your four-legged family member is in good hands with the Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital team!

Wellness Checks
From the first visit and throughout their entire life, we’ll be there to provide the absolute best care for your pet. Our wellness care measures can maximize the fullness of that life both in terms of what your pet can do and for how long. Annual physical exams are important!
At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we recommend annual wellness exams for all of our patients. However, once our patients enter their golden years over the age of seven, we recommend wellness exams every six months so our team can keep them feeling their best.
Dental Care
Routine dental care is just as important for your pet as it is for you. At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we recommend that daily home care begin when your pet is young. This is crucial for the prevention of periodontal disease caused by the build-up of plaque and tartar. Routine dental home care should include daily teeth brushing or the use of oral antiseptic gels and provision of chews, dental treats, and/or dental diets that are both safe and enticing to your pet. Our doctors and staff would be happy to instruct you on tips for brushing your pet’s teeth and can provide you with several suggestions on excellent products to help you keep your pet’s teeth and mouth clean and disease-free.
At each physical exam with our veterinarians, your pet’s teeth are examined to determine if professional dental care is needed. If necessary, this procedure includes tartar removal and ultrasonic and hand scaling, probing, and cleaning of all pockets under the gum line; dental x-rays; extraction of loose and diseased teeth; and polishing to provide a clean and smooth tooth surface. All of this is performed with your pet under general anesthesia.
Diagnostic Testing
Our hospital has an in-house lab that can perform a variety of tests to aid our doctors in the prevention and diagnosis of illness. Some of the tests we perform include:
- Feline leukemia
- Heartworm testing
- Lyme/Anaplasma/Ehrlichia (tick-borne disease) testing
- Fecals
- Chemistry panels
- Glucose levels
- Complete blood counts
- Vaccine titers
- Bacterial/sensitivity cultures
- Fungal cultures
- Cytology
- Ear smears
We also have access to outside laboratories to send out samples for other diagnostic purposes if our lab does not have the capabilities to perform a certain test.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is the application of red and infrared light on any area of the body to improve and enhance healing and pain relief for acute and chronic issues. Laser therapy has been used to provide pain relief for soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, and dermatological conditions. It helps reduce inflammation, increase the function of neurological tissue, and improve the speed and quality of wound repair.
At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we use prolotherapy to treat patients with torn cruciate ligaments, often replacing the need for orthopedic surgery.
Chiropractic Care
Veterinary chiropractic care is a manual therapy used for many health and performance problems. It focuses on the biomechanical dysfunction of the spine and its effect on the entire nervous system.
It is an effective and valuable means of restoring and maintaining strength, vigor, and well-being. Exploring and treating the root causes of your animal’s aches, pains, and illnesses ensures maximum improvement, top performance, and an exceptional quality of life.
Parasite Control & Prevention
Parasite control is a way of keeping your pet and family healthy by controlling any zoonotic (transmissible to people) and infectious diseases. Some parasites can be transmitted to people and can cause serious illness in young children and the immune suppressed.
There are many ways to help prevent parasites. Some parasites are easy to get rid of by using medications such as oral dewormers, topical treatments, and maintaining a clean yard. Having a fecal (stool) sample checked at least once a year is important for diagnosing any intestinal parasites. We also recommend isolation of new pets until they have been examined by a veterinarian to rule out any potential parasites. Contact Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital for more information on parasite control.
Heartworm disease is a preventable but serious and potentially fatal parasitic disease that primarily affects dogs, cats, and ferrets. It can also infect wild animals, such as exotic canines. There are documented human infections, but they are thought to be rare and do not result in clinical disease. A blood test for existing heartworm infection is recommended before beginning a prevention program to confirm that your pet is not already infected with the disease. In addition, annual re-testing is recommended to check your pet’s status and ensure that the appropriate medication is being prescribed.
Heartworm Treatment
Dogs: As with most medical problems, it is much better to prevent heartworm than to treat it. However, if your dog does become infected with heartworms, there is an FDA-approved treatment available. There is some risk involved in treating a dog for heartworms. However, serious complications are much less likely in dogs that are otherwise in good health and if the disease is detected early.
The goal of heartworm treatment is to kill the adult worms and microfilariae that are present in your dog’s body. While your dog is hospitalized and for a period of time afterward, it will require complete rest and may need additional medications to help limit inflammatory reaction as the worms die and are absorbed by the body.
Cats: There is currently no effective and safe treatment for heartworm infection in cats. If your cat is diagnosed with heartworms, your veterinarian may recommend medications to limit the inflammatory response and the resulting heartworm disease.
Flea and Tick
Using a quality flea and tick preventative can help prevent flea and tick-borne diseases. Lyme Disease and Anaplasmosis are very common in the Crow Wing County area. There are also other tick-borne diseases such as Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Cat Scratch Fever is spread by fleas. Using a quality flea and tick preventative can help prevent parasites in your pet. Fleas are a major cause of tapeworm in pets.
Not all flea and tick preventatives are as effective as others and some may be dangerous to cats. Ask us which flea and tick preventative would be recommended for your pet. We may recommend one that also repels mosquitoes or kills flea eggs.
Senior Pet Wellness
As a general rule, a senior dog or cat is usually one that is over seven years of age. However, there are many factors which determine how fast your pet ages including breed, size, nutrition, lifestyle, and veterinary health care. Therefore, some larger breed dogs may be considered senior at age five, while a smaller breed dog may be 10 to 13 years of age before it is considered a senior pet.
Although age is certainly not a disease, our pets are more prone to a variety of conditions and diseases as they reach their golden years. Some of these include weight gain or loss, arthritis, kidney, diabetes, thyroid imbalance, tumors, cancer, or heart or liver disease. Early discovery and treatment of these ailments are possible only through routine wellness exams and laboratory testing.
Remember, taking your pet to a yearly veterinary exam is the same as you visiting your physician only once every five to seven years. This is why twice-yearly exams can be so important in early detection and help your pet live a longer and healthier life.
Our Senior Wellness Program
At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we work closely with you and your pet to determine the diagnostic tests and treatments that are most appropriate for your individual pet. In general, however, you can expect the following recommendations for your senior pet:
- Senior health exam: We ask a series of questions regarding your pet’s habits and lifestyle at home in order to best understand their individual risks and needs. A complete exam of all your pet’s body systems will also be performed.
- Complete blood count: This test measures the red, white, and clotting cells of the blood and helps us check for conditions such as anemia, infection, and inflammation.
- Chemistry profile: A chemistry profile gives us information about your pet’s kidney and liver function, electrolyte status, and more.
- Thyroid level: This test will check a thyroid hormone level to evaluate thyroid gland function, because imbalances can become more common as pets age.
- Parasite evaluation: A microscopic examination of your pet’s feces is performed to screen for the presence of intestinal parasites. Routine blood sample testing for heartworm and tick-borne diseases is also important for pets of any age.
Many diseases can be prevented through vaccination. A vaccination schedule prepared by your veterinarian can greatly contribute to good health and a longer life span for your dog or cat. At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we recommend the following vaccinations:
Dog and Puppy Vaccinations
DAPP Vaccination
The DAPP vaccination is commonly referred to as the distemper vaccination. It vaccinates against canine distemper, canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza, and canine parvovirus. We recommend a regular DAPP vaccination or titer test depending on your dog’s vaccination history. Puppies should be vaccinated for DAPP at six to eight weeks, 10 to 12 weeks, and 14 to 16 weeks and given an annual booster. Adult dogs are given a vaccination, which is repeated in three to four weeks, then an annual titer or vaccine.
Rabies Vaccination
Rabies is a viral disease that can affect all warm-blooded mammals, including cats, dogs, wildlife, and humans. The virus infects cells of the nervous system, producing incoordination and behavioral abnormalities, such as unusual aggression or withdrawal. Once the signs of rabies appear, the disease is always fatal. Rabies is usually transmitted by bite wounds, often from infected wildlife, which represents the largest reservoir of the disease in the U.S. Vaccines are very effective in preventing rabies. Most states in the U.S. require rabies vaccination of dogs and cats at one- to three-year intervals. A rabies vaccination should be given to a puppy at 14 to 16 weeks old and a booster given in one year, then every three years.
Bordetella Vaccination
Canine Bordetella (B. bronchiseptica) may contribute to kennel cough. This bacterial infection can occur alone or in combination with distemper, adenovirus type-2 infection, parainfluenza, and other respiratory problems. A Bordetella vaccine is recommended for dogs and puppies going to boarding facilities or dogs kenneled or trained with numerous other dogs. A Bordetella vaccine may be given at six to eight weeks of age or one week prior to kenneling. The Bordetella vaccine is an annual vaccination.
Lyme Disease Vaccination
The deer tick may transmit Lyme disease, a fast-growing condition among people and pets in parts of North America. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete bacteria and can cause serious, potentially deadly health problems. Signs of Lyme disease in dogs are lameness, lack of appetite, fatigue, fever, and hot and/or swollen joints. The Lyme vaccination is recommended for dogs exposed to tall grassy or wooded areas or dogs exposed to ticks. Puppies may be vaccinated at 10 to 12 weeks and 14 to 16 weeks with an annual booster. Adult dogs are given a vaccination, which is repeated in three to four weeks, then given an annual booster.
Cat and Kitten Vaccinations
PRC Vaccination
A PRC vaccination is commonly referred to as a distemper vaccination. It vaccinates against Feline panleukopenia, feline viral rhinotracheitis, and feline calicivirus. We recommend a regular PRC vaccination. Kittens should be vaccinated at eight to nine weeks and 12 to 13 weeks and given an annual booster. Adult cats are given a vaccination, which is repeated in three to four weeks, then given an annual or three-year vaccination.
Rabies is a viral disease that can affect all warm-blooded mammals, including cats, dogs, wildlife, and humans. The virus infects cells of the nervous system, producing incoordination and behavioral abnormalities, such as unusual aggression or withdrawal. Once the signs of rabies appear, the disease is always fatal. Rabies is usually transmitted by bite wounds, often from infected wildlife, which represent the largest reservoir of the disease in the U.S. Vaccines are very effective in preventing rabies. Most states in the U.S. require rabies vaccination of dogs and cats at one- to three-year intervals. A rabies vaccination should be given to a kitten at 12 to 13 weeks old and a booster given annually. At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we use Purevax, which is considered the safest rabies vaccine for cats.
Feline Leukemia Vaccination
Feline leukemia is a high-mortality disease caused by the feline leukemia virus (FeLV). FeLV produces an initial immunosuppressive infection followed by various other diseases (e.g. respiratory disease, diarrhea, anemia), affecting the immunosuppressed cat. Cats that survive these initial diseases may develop some form of cancer, hence the name feline leukemia. The disease is transmitted by direct contact with infected cats or with contaminated food dishes.
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) attacks a cat’s immune system, producing a slow developing immunodeficiency disease that results in chronic secondary and opportunistic infections. These include respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary tract, and skin infections and general unthriftiness. Various cancers may also develop. FIV infection is lifelong. However, FIV disease is relatively uncommon, and most cats remain normal for extended periods until immunodeficiency occurs. Because FIV is relatively uncommon, the questionable effectiveness of available FIV vaccination and possible vaccine reactions, we recommend testing but not vaccinating for this disease.
We recommend a test for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) for kittens under six months old and a test for FeLV and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) for kittens over six months old and adult cats. Testing is important before vaccination to determine existing disease. Kittens eight to nine weeks or older may be tested for FeLV. Kittens and cats that will be outdoor or indoor/outdoor cats should be vaccinated for feline leukemia.
At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we offer many different surgeries. The doctors at the clinic perform routine spays, neuters, declaws, dentals, lump removals, etc.
Prior to the surgery, a pre-surgery profile is highly recommended. This is a blood test that checks kidney, liver, pancreas values, and a platelet count. This pre-anesthetic blood work is necessary to ensure that these organs are healthy to process the anesthetic drugs for the surgery. This blood work is required for pets that are over seven years old. This blood work would be run at the clinic before the surgery, and the owner would be called by the doctor with any level that was high or low.
During the surgery, an IV catheter and fluids are highly recommended. This catheter is placed into the vein and ensures that your pet stays hydrated during the surgery and also gives us immediate access to the vein in case of emergency. The IV is required for any pet that is over seven years old, in heat, pregnant, or if the doctor deems necessary. There is an additional fee for this service.
Before the surgery, each animal is intubated with an endotracheal tube and then connected to a gas anesthetic machine.
During the surgery, each animal is hooked up to a cardiac monitor that helps to ensure his or her safety. This cardiac monitor monitors the animal’s heart rate, respiration, pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and oxygen level. Along with the monitor, each surgery patient is monitored by a certified veterinary technician. Also during the surgery, the animal is placed on a heating pad to maintain body temperature, and once the surgery is completed, the animal is wrapped in a blanket and closely monitored until they have woken up.
Acupuncture and various other versions of acutherapy are among the oldest medical procedures in recorded history, while animal acupuncture is slightly less ancient. The original theories of traditional Chinese medicine formed the basis of acupuncture: needling certain spots on the body regulated the flow of “Chi” (energy), which flowed through and nourished the tissues and organs. Today, we do not have a full understanding of the neurologic or biochemical basis of acupuncture, but that is changing as the results of studies are published on a regular basis.
In people and animals, there is good evidence that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary, skin, reproductive, neurologic, and behavioral disorders, as well as for stress. In cancer patients, acupuncture can be extremely effective for the alleviation of pain, fatigue, and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, vomiting, inappetence, and improving the quality of life.
Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) has been practiced for over 3000 years and is used for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of ailments. At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we use herbal medicine to help alleviate pain and restore organ function. Herbal medicine can be powerful on its own or as an addition to other treatments. Each recommendation is tailored specifically to your pet to promote the fastest healing possible.
We use herbal medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including but not limited to:
- Lyme disease
- Cushing’s disease
- Skin allergies
- Thyroid disease
- Kidney disease
- Urogenital disease
- Behavior issues/anxiety
- Liver disease
- Joint and disc disease
Homotoxicology is the blending of medical science with homeopathic principles. By combining concepts from molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, and homeopathic remedies, we’re able to create a customized treatment plan for your pet. The main principles of homotoxicology include detoxification, organ strengthening, and immune and cellular activation. This concept is used to treat a variety of conditions and can greatly benefit your pet. From orthopedic injuries to surgery and pain management, our team will work to find the best treatment for your pet.
At Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital, we take every step to ensure the safety of your pet during surgery. We have anesthetic protocols for each specific case and use gas anesthesia. Our doctors recommend blood work to make sure internal organs are functioning properly and an IV catheter to give fluid therapy during surgery and to administer IV drugs. Your pet’s pulse, respiration, blood oxygen, temperature, and blood pressure are monitored with our surgical monitor. In addition, we have a certified veterinary technician monitoring your pet during the entire procedure and while your pet recovers. Pain prevention is important to us, so we will give pain relief before and after your pet’s surgery. We also will dispense pain relief for your pet to be administered at home.
A neuter involves surgical removal of the testicles of a male dog or cat. Why neuter your dog or cat?
- Eliminate the risk of testicular tumors
- Decrease the risk of prostate disease
- Reduce aggression, marking, and roaming behavior
- Prevent unplanned puppies and kittens
A spay involves surgical removal of the ovaries and the uterus of a female dog or cat. Why spay your dog or cat?
- Reduce the risk of mammary cancer
- Eliminate the risk of uterus infection (pyometra)
- Prevent unnecessary heat cycles
- Prevent complications due to pregnancy
- Prevent unplanned puppies and kittens (Cats reproduce at an alarming rate! Cats can have three litters each year with three to six kittens in each litter.)
Nutrition & Weight Loss
Studies have shown that about 45% of middle-aged dogs and cats are overweight or obese. There are severe health risks for your pet associated with being overweight or obese.
You can improve your pet’s health by maintaining them at a healthy weight. The benefits are longer life span, better health, and younger appearance. Your pet will have a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, respiratory problems, skin problems, cancer, and liver disease.
Your pet’s health is important to us, and that is why we offer a FREE weight loss program. Please call us and we will help you determine if your pet is at a healthy weight.
Junior Wellness Blood Profile
For dogs and cats ages one to six
The Junior Wellness Blood Profile helps form a more complete picture of your pet’s overall health than can be determined by physical exam alone. This test can help identify hidden problems before they become more serious. Early testing and detection of medical problems often allow for a more favorable and less expensive outcome. Likewise, if the lab work is normal, these tests provide a baseline for future results and a comforting peace of mind that your pet is in good health! Our staff can perform this simple in-house blood test that will check your pet’s:
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Electrolytes
- Minerals
- Blood sugar
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