SUBMIT PHOTOWe love featuring our fantastic patients!
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Sergeant Biscuit – While taking pictures of our grand baby, Serge was just to cute to not take pictures of him too!
Journee of Dreams – Journee is blessed to have a veterinarian who follows integrative practices to help keep her healthy. She also loves going for long walks (this pic was taken on one of our walks) each day and playing with her Jolly Ball to get exercise and stay healthy. She is very happy winter is around the corner – cold seasons are by far her favorite.
Hank – Hank loves balls, frisbees & sticks. He turned 10yrs Christmas Day 2021 and is still full of life!
Jade: On the 4th of July several of us held a neighborhood pancake and fixings breakfast with donations going to Babinski foundation (we recently adopted Miss Jade from there). The photo was part of the lettter Miss Jade & her friends sent to Babinski with the donations.
Stella (left) and Daisy (right): Just two goldendoodle sisters cuddling on the couch on a hot summer day.
My dad and I stopped at PLAH one morning to get cat food for our other cat Jingo. We saw a little black and white kitten running around that needed a home. We instantly fell in love and we took Daisy home. She is 16 years old now and thanks to the staff at PLAH she is doing great as we manage her diabetes. Daisy likes to sit in this box and play with the toys.
We adopted Sushi from a friend last summer. He has been a wonderful addition to the family. Daisy might think otherwise. Sushi is very friendly and is right at home visiting PLAH!
Darla (left) and Oscar (right) are best friends! Oscar has made Darla feel right at home since we adopted her from The Babinski Foundation over a year ago.
Kirby joined our family December 24th, 2020 after being in an abusive household. He has been the perfect addition to our family! He loves to play & take naps. His favorite toy is Dino who is pictured in this photo
Penelope is a Flemish giant/angora mix rabbit. She is litter box trained and a free roam rabbit! Her favorite snack is dried apples.
Our little Lucy loves car rides, chasing balls and snuggles with her humans! She loves playing outside but her tiny paws would get so cold! These cute booties fixed that problem 🥰
Titan – He just got a new bow tie and was VERY proud of it. He loved all the extra attention he got from it 😅😅
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